3 Self-Care Recipes Every Mom Deserves

3 Self-Care Recipes Every Mom Deserves

As we approach Mother’s Day, let’s give moms a break and give them the gift of self-care.

Here’s some fun favorite blends and recipes to help all the moms out there relax on their special day–from morning until night!


Enjoy starting your day off right and take it easy! This sunny day diffuser blend recipe will ensure that you have a bright & uplifting start to your Sunday morning!


This is where our massage blend comes in! Try using our Pain & Strain or C’est La Vie blends for soothing relief. Both blends are made of essential oils and pre-diluted with our premium jojoba oil.

Massage oils are an excellent way to relax & unwind, especially when you have some extra time on your hands! They’re especially useful as part of a post-workout routine or simply relaxing after a long day.

Or feel free to try this recipe below for a basic massage oil blend!


Who doesn’t love a nice, cozy soak at the end of the day? Try this simple bath salt recipe and add to your bath tonight!