Pet Safety

Pet Safety

Calling all animal lovers and natural health enthusiasts! We all want what best for our fur babies and entering into the world of aromatherapy can be over whelming for both you and your pets. Humans have about 5 million smell receptors as in

20 Reasons Why We Should All Have Diffusers

20 Reasons Why We Should All Have Diffusers

As you may already know, there are tons of ways to enjoy the amazing benefits of essential oils from sprays to massage oils and everything in between. Perhaps the easiest and most efficient way to enjoy your oils is by diffusing them into the air. Di

'Tis the Season for Practicing Gratitude

'Tis the Season for Practicing Gratitude

With Thanksgiving coming up, and all the other holidays that follow, I find myself experiencing an overwhelming amount of gratitude. I used to despise the holidays - perhaps it was being in an unhappy relationship, taking my family for granted, and a

6 Uncommon Essential Oils You Should Try

6 Uncommon Essential Oils You Should Try

I love striking up conversations with my retail customers about how they use their essential oils. The stories I hear about how certain oils change people’s lives never ceases to amaze me. A common question I like to ask is, “which oils are your favo

MUST HAVE Essential Oils for the Holidays: Peppermint and Fennel

MUST HAVE Essential Oils for the Holidays: Peppermint and Fennel

It's the first week of November: you’ve probably been popping “fun sized” candies into your mouth all week and your next thoughts are on what you’ll be cooking for Thanksgiving. We are in full-fledged binge eating season, my favorite time of year! Ho